Sunday, January 26, 2020

     As a student, I have used Microsoft Word in several ways.  Most instances, especially through middle school, high school and now at FSU, I use Microsoft Word to write essays.  I am the most familiar with this platform compared to Google Docs or any other platform.  There have been rare times where I have used it to present a project with graphs or certain graphics.  Also, I have used it to create pamphlets/brochures.  Some classes I have been required to create posters or handouts and Word makes it simple to create these. My teachers have used Microsoft Word to create handout assignments or essay prompts.  They also use the graphics features of Word to teach. 
     I have not had much expose throughout my education with copyright or fair use of materials. I suppose I do recall seeing it on graphics and certain messages.  People would like their work to remain theirs, especially in a world where it is so easy to claim someone else’s work as your own.  I would clarify on assignments I create as a teacher, that this cannot be copied or shown as anyone else’s work.  It would be just like any teacher using someone else's test or excerpt and calling it their own.  Taking 2 pages from a 300-page book is fair, but taking 2 pages from a 5 page book is copyright.    
      The two technology implementation issues I have chosen are academic dishonesty and cyberbullying.  A solution to academic dishonesty has a simple solution.  Proctored tests reveal if a student has truly learned the material on the assignments or simply googled the answers.  For cyberbullying, a solution could be closely monitoring our students social media and if it is reported, make sure to follow all the way through that it was dealt with and there were consequences for the guilty party.     
   On Olivia W.’s blog, I commented that I never thought of using MS Word to take notes in class.  I agree that Word is a very useful tool that makes writing things simpler.   I was also taught the seriousness of plagiarism and copyright early in school.  Obviously, the consequences in college are much more severe than before, but one paper could ruin your academic career.  We should make sure our work is not published as someone else's since we worked hard on it. 
On Hayley S.’s post, I commented that I agreed that as a teacher, it will be our job to teach and constantly reinforce the importance of original work and copyright. This goes hand in hand with plagiarism. I love what you mentioned about decreased productivity. I have never been one to take notes on my computer, but it is scientifically proven that information stick better in your head if you write it. It also helps that pen and paper do not have internet access or apps to distract you from paying attention. Great post! 

1 comment:

  1. I have never used Word for projects other than creating worksheets or essays so I think it's very interesting to see the many ways it can be used. I love the point of following through with cyberbullying as it is often skipped. Thanks for your insight!
